Category Archives: Burger Quest

Burger Quest for the Best Burger in Oregon!

Burger Quest for the Best Burger in Oregon!

The Burger Quest has come to an end but during the journey we found some of Oregon’s Greatest Burgers, including our Burger Quest Champion, The Eugene Burger Company! You can find all 8 of our burger adventures below, and you won’t find a bad burger in the bunch. Check out our taste tests and then go on your own delicious Burger Adventure. Thank you to the Oregon Beef Council for making Burger Quest happen!MORE

Burger Quest Week 4: Chow Gastropub

Burger Quest Week 4: Chow Gastropub

Burger Quest Week 4! Our search for the greatest burger in Oregon brings us to Chow Gastropub in Springfield, OR. This weeks guest burger taster is my favorite weather person in town, Cameron Landfield from KEZI TV! You can find Chow Gastropub at 471 S A Street in Springfield. Follow us along this delicious journey to find the greatest burger in all the land, brought to you by the Oregon Beef Council!MORE


Local Resources

These are some very trying times on our hands, and here at NRQ, we are trying to give you as many local resources and information that we can to assist you. If you, or someone you know, has lost their job and needs more information regarding unemployment information you can click HERE or HEREfor FAQ’s,…
